The Process
Ever wondered what goes into creating a painting? Things like the creative process and then the practical application of those elements…the putting of brush to canvas. This is intended to be a “behind-the-scenes” look at what it takes to produce a finished work of art.
Digital CompositeMy completed digital composite is the beginning of the process to create a painting on canvas. It begins with assembling separate elements in Photoshop and experimenting with placement, color combinations and style techniques. Utilizing Photoshop at this stage allow me the ultimate in creativity as I plan my final image for the canvas painting.
Canvas SketchThe canvas sketch takes the concept that I have created and allows me to transfer rough outlines of specific areas without “experimenting” with paint on the canvas. This is helpful in terms of the overall process and, in addition, speeds up my laying on of color. The canvas sketch is the interim vehicle that lets me move through to the finished painting.
Finished CanvasThe canvas sketch takes the concept that I have created and allows me to transfer rough outlines of specific areas without “experimenting” with paint on the canvas. This is helpful in terms of the overall process and, in addition, speeds up my laying on of color. The canvas sketch is the interim vehicle that lets me move through to the finished painting.